Tuesday, December 1, 2015

11 Times 2 does NOT equal 22!!

This is a little late (I know, shocked face!!) but I wanted to share with you one of my favorite sets of twins.  

**Family history time**
My Mom is a twin and my Maternal Grandmother was a twin.  When my boys were born, my Uncle John called me from Pennsylvania to congratulate me.  He informed me that my boys were the 9th set of twins in the family and that there were also 3 sets of triplets that they were aware of!  Thank you Lord for not giving me twins.  I'm pretty sure my belly would have exploded!!

So, these 2 handsome fellas turn 11 years old on me!  When I was a kid, my Mom would often tell me "Time sure flies" and I would look at her and just think that she had lost her mind.  Well, I know exactly what she was talking about!  How in the world are my 2 babies turning 11?  This is their last year in elementary school, they have developed into 2 fine young men and I couldn't be more proud to say they are mine.  

Here they are in the school drop off line..can't you just tell that Alex was SUPER excited about having his picture made?

I usually make them cupcakes of their choice for their school parties.  This year, they both requested a cookie cake.  Alex wanted a pumpkin shaped cookie and Aaron requested a baseball!  So, I delivered!  They enjoyed sharing with their classmates.  Since they are in different classes, I had to make enough to feed almost 60 kids...we cut it close.  But, I may have been giving big pieces to their really good friends!!  :)

Instead of eating lunch with them at school, I decided to take them out of school after their party and go wherever they wanted to eat.  (Emma and Ethan raced against each other for Cross Country, so I took the day off work!)  They decided on Mi Pueblo for lunch...I was thrilled because I knew the employees would sing to them..hehe!

Aaron's expression (orange shirt) in the video just sums him up!  Alex doesn't embarrass easy and Aaron can turn red in a second.

We opened presents at Grandma's house so she didn't have to get out.  Always happy with Twizzlers!

Aaron loves baseball cards.  So, I think he was pretty excited about receiving 1,000 for his birthday.  Sorry for the blurry pictures.

I sure love my boys!  I know you both were an unexpected gift, but I just couldn't imagine my life without you both in it!  I thank God for placing you both in my world!

And the customary hold your fingers up for your age shot!  Hard to think those 2 young men are actually twins, right?

This is something I have seen on other blogs and think its such a cute idea and would like to start.

11 things I love about you Alex:
  1. Your incredible sense of humor
  2. You are not afraid to speak to strangers and ask questions for yourself
  3. The fact that you have worked really hard the last 2 years and became a black belt in tae kwon do!
  4. You will still hold my hand in public
  5. You can still crawl up in my lap and not squish me!
  6. You are very complimentary
  7. You tell me that you love me over and over during the day
  8. You are so strong!  You have dealt with extreme eczema your whole life and often have open wounds, but you don't complain about it!
  9. I love your silliness!  You are our little Jim Carey.
  10. I love how close you are to Grandma!  I hope you realize how much you brighten her day!
  11. You are concerned for the well being of those less fortunate!!

11 things I love about your Aaron:
  1. You are not one to jump into anything.  You are cautious about everything you do.
  2. You are my little protector.  Always look out for me and making sure I'm ok!
  3. Your incredible laugh!  The one that when I hear it, I better come see what is going on!
  4. Your love to all animals.  You have always been drawn to critters
  5. The fact that you are left handed like your Daddy!
  6. I love that you are concerned for others less fortunate!  
  7. Your knowledge of baseball and football
  8. The fact that I hear "Aaron is such a good kid" from all his teachers and other parents.
  9. You are an amazing baseball player!  You could put yourself through college it you keep it up.
  10. If I ask you to do something, you always do it!  I can always count on you to follow through and take direction from me.
  11. I love that you are always singing!  Even has a toddler, you loved music and would dance and sing.  
I love you boys so much!  Always keep your heads held high, be leaders and not followers, set good examples for others and keep God in your lives and ya'll will be fine!!

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