Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I was reading a blog the other day and the author closed every message with "Cheers" as her parting line. I've been thinking about "creating" a cute sign-off message. I love seeing/hearing some of the witty sign-offs that people come up with. As I was thinking about what I could use, I started thinking about some of the ones I remember growing up. I think one of my favorite is from Walter Cronkite, "And that's the way it is". Carol Burnette always tugged on her ear to show that she was thinking about her Grandmother...which is the sweetest thing ever!! Bob Barker always urged people to "Have your pet spayed or neutered" at the close of the Price is Right each day. For those of you who enjoyed watching people fight and talk junk, Jerry Springer would ask that you "Take care of yourselves & each other" deep! Ryan Seacrest thinks he is very cute by signing off American Idol each week with "Seacrest out"...he's not!!

Growing up in rural Stokes County, we didn't have great TV reception. We got 3 channels, 4 on a good clear day. So, we watched whatever was on. We saw lots of old movies and shows. While watching Sally Fields play Gidget, I picked up on her line "Toodles". I got lots of mileage out of it! The ever popular line "Hasta la Vista" came out with Terminator. Everybody and their uncle used that one.

I guess the days of just saying "good-bye" are gone. I will continue trying to come up with a cute sign-off...

Until then. Hey, I like the ring of that!

1 comment:

  1. I'm forever saying Toodles. I didn't realize where I had picked that up. In college I said "Peace" with the accompanying hand sign. I was too cool for school. I guess for saying good bye to my family I just use love ya.
