Last summer, Aunt Frankye found a pair of Van sneakers at a consignment sale or GoodWill and bought them for Aaron. They were grey and white squares all over. Right away, I thought...ugh, he ain't going to like them. He had a favorite pair of sneakers at the time and I just knew that he would baulk at a new pair. He slipped the new ones on and loved them. From that day on, he wore those shoes everyday. They were getting worn and I found a pair on eBay that were an awesome price. He has worn that pair everyday since then. I'm really surprised his toes don't pop through the front of them. The toes are worn from "driving" monster trucks. The sides are worn down from sitting "criss-cross applesauce" at school. I've been telling him for weeks that we needed to buy him more shoes and he would just whine and cry, pleading to get him the same kind. We took him to the mall this evening and he chose the perfect pair.
The old (I'm sure you could have figured that out!!) I'm almost embarassed to show them!!
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