Quite a while back there was a "quiz" (for lack of better words) floating around Facebook. It was sent by your friends asking you to state 25 random things about yourself. I did it on there and it was fun. I wanted to re-visit that quiz on here. Some might still be the same, so you'll have to excuse the duplicates. I haven't read my answers from my FB list in a while...so here goes.
1. I hate Diabetes! It has slipped into our life, but it is something that we handle as a family. I don't ever want Ethan to feel like he is in this alone.
2. I think you can have all the friends in the world, but the only people you can truly count on is your family.
3. I am fluent in sarcasm!
4. After 11 years of marriage, I still fall more and more in love with Adam!
5. I'm afraid of the dark.
6. I miss my Grandma so much, sometimes I can hardly breath.
7. I had a great childhood. Being raised on a farm, in the country was wonderful. Didn't think so at the time. But, if I could do that with my family...I would do it in a second.
8. I am 37 years old and still have a fear of disappointing my parents & sisters.
9. My children are the best gift that God has ever blessed me with. They are my reason for living.
(geesh, I'm only at 10!! Whew...think, think, think!!)
10. I hate driving over tall bridges. I start having "worst case scenario" thoughts.
11. I love pictures & taking them. I would love to start taking pictures for others.
12. Since I was little, I have scrapbooked. My family has always kidded me about "you want to save this for your scrapbook?" I still, to this day, save everything for my scrapbooks.
13. I'm full of useless information concerning music and TV! I love 80's music, heck, I love most music!
(Holy cow, why did I think I could come up with 25?)
14. I VERY anti-touch!
15. I love to clean. I just love to look at a freshly cleaned room...so do my kids! I think they are drawn to a clean room like a moth to flame!
16. I would like to learn a foreign language.
17. I'm addicted to Farmville on Facebook!!! I think I need to go through a 12 step program!! :o)
18. This is more of proclamation than a random fact, I want to start walking 4-5 days a week during my lunch hour. I have to get in shape. I owe it to my children!!! So, here's to you Emma, Ethan, Alex & Aaron.
19. I worry constantly about Ethan's future!
Who thought this should be 25 random things...I think it should be called 19 random things!
20. I'm a complainer...see above! (Really, I'm not...but it sure seemed like it a moment ago)
21. I am a procrastinator though. Why do something now, when I can put it off?? No-brainer!
22. I love the beach! Can't wait to get there each year. I love watching my kids play in the sand building sandcastles, finding the perfect seashell (which for them is everyone they pick up), guessing where the boat on the horizon is headed, etc. There is just no feeling like the sea air blowing on you. The sounds, the smells...UGH...wish I were there now.
23. That being said about the beach, I would LOVE to visit every lighthouse in North Carolina! They are simply amazing to me. My sister, Kelly, has always had a fascination with lighthouses. And until we visited Cape Lookout this past summer, they didn't really strike me as all that exciting. Now, don't get me wrong, I've always thought they were beautiful...but standing beside one and looking straight up at it...AMAZING! To think that so many years ago, when they didn't have cranes and bulldozers, hardworking men made them.
24. I wish that my sister Frankye and my favorite nephew Pete lived closer. I miss seeing Pete and I know he misses all of us. We are lucky enough to "have" him through the summer...but that leaves you wanting more! I love you Pete!
25. Most nights, I fall asleep before I ever finish my prayers! Maybe I should rethink my timing?
Well, there you have it! 25 random things about yours truly! I hope you enjoy them and they bring you some insight on me. Feel free to send me your 25 randoms...hope it is not as hard for you as it was for me!