Growing up, Mom used to tell me "time sure flies". I have to admit, I thought she was full of it. It seemed like time just dragged by...not sure what I was waiting for, but in the case that I was waiting...nothing happened quickly. Fast forward to my life today and it pains me to say this, but Mom was right! My head is hung in shame! Alright, alright...I said it...she was right. Time sure flies.
She was perfect!! Emma Grace came into this world with a head full of black hair (could explain my NEVER ENDING heartburn), with a birth mark on her side that looks like a set of lips kissed her and did I mention she was 2 weeks late? I thought she would never make her debut! By all rights, she should have come into this world addicted to chocolate milk and knowing all the words to Mr. Roboto by Styxx. Not sure why I loved that song so much while I was pregnant, but I did!
Emma wasn't sure if she wanted me to come to school and share cupcakes with her class. This makes me kinda sad, because I have always been very involved with my kids birthdays and loved celebrating with their classrooms. Her brother has checked out a book with cupcake ideas from the school library (ok, kids are addicted to The Next Great Baker on TLC) and she went through it to see if she liked one. She chose a sunflower design and we set out to make them. She really liked the finished product and I have to admit, I did to!! **Insert a pat on the back**
The finished product |
Happy, happy 10th birthday sweet girl! May you always have a smile on your face and know that you are loved by so many!!